Tactical Warfare

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Tactical Warfare encompasses the science and art of forming, organizing, and deploying combat groups in a way to achieve victory over the enemy forces. While in theory they encompass the creation of plans and maneuvers necessary to complete an objective, in the context of FPArma they are an extension of the strategic and operational levels of war present within the context of individual missions.

As such, to us, Tactical Warfare is the most applied and demanding of the components necessary towards achieving victory. For the most part, the application of tactics in missions is done on an individual, squad, and platoon level, but very rarely with the cooperation of a higher force.

Of course, it is important to not constrain yourself by the passage of time when implementing these concept into your leadership. Quality leading consunes time, and being cautious and patient in a three hour operation is better than being hasty and death prone in a two hour mission.


In the pre-planning stage, a period of time is devoted to assessing extant provided intelligence as per higher bodies and then formulating a basic plan of actions which will guide the troops through combat and objectives.
In our case, the (non-commissioned)officers leading the troops for the duration of the mission read the data provided by the Mission Maker and form a basis for the plan. This data can be provided textually in briefing dossiers enclosed within missions, visually through videos, photographs, and maps, and verbally through supplemental context.
Once all information is provided and taken into account, a plan can be formed. The plan at the start of the mission should avoid complexity and be primarily focused on ensuring operational functionality, that is, making out the overarching plan of the mission which can be easily understood and explain to the lowest ranking troops without delving into micromanagement.
Some recommendations are as follows:

  • For the regular forces, do not micromanage movement of individual squads during the planning phase. This railroading can cause unelastic behavior which will be difficult to control or adjust in operations.
  • Note down locations of interest and excessive danger in order to ensure the exercising of caution by all units in the Area of Operations.
  • Outline situational conditions. Rules like avoiding damage, civilian areas, and certain roads should be presented if needed.
  • Establish references for coordinating. Phase lines, timers, rally points, and the like permit you to pace your troops in unison.

Approach on Target

Combat Maneuvers



"Keeping Sync" and Re-Thinking Your Strategy