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<syntaxhighlight lang="C++" line='line'>
enableSaving [false,false];
// These are the recommended settings for view distance based on zombie distance spawning.
// You can change them but remember to edit config.sqf if zombies are spawning within visible range
// The reason fog is set here is because then it won't take into account height
0 setFog 0.73;
setViewDistance 800;
setObjectViewDistance 600;
if (isServer) then {
// Config should be set first
[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "config.sqf";
// Start FPZ
[] call fpz_api_fnc_init;

Revision as of 18:39, 12 July 2017

Example of Syntax Highlighting

def quickSort(arr):
	less = []
	pivotList = []
	more = []
	if len(arr) <= 1:
		return arr

enableSaving [false,false];

// These are the recommended settings for view distance based on zombie distance spawning. 
// You can change them but remember to edit config.sqf if zombies are spawning within visible range
// The reason fog is set here is because then it won't take into account height
0 setFog 0.73;
setViewDistance 800;
setObjectViewDistance 600;

if (isServer) then {

// Config should be set first
[] call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "config.sqf";
// Start FPZ
[] call fpz_api_fnc_init;

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