FGM-148 Javelin
Revision as of 11:50, 23 July 2017 by Comfy (talk | contribs) (→Command Launch Unit Status Indicators)
Command Launch Unit Status Indicators
Day (DAY) Indicator
This indicator lights up green if the CLU (Command Launch Unit, AKA the "Scope") is in Normal/Daytime mode (Not in Nightvision or Thermal View).
Wide Field-of-View (WFOV) Indicator
Indicator lights up if the Device is in Wide-FOV view (4x Zoom)
Narrow Field-of-View (NFOV) Indicator
Indicator lights up if the Device is in Near-FOV view (12x Zoom)
Seeker (SEEK) Indicator
Top Attack (TOP) Indicator
Direct Attack (DIR) Indicator
Filter (FLTR) Indicator
HANGFIRE Indicator
The HANGFIRE indicator is located on the bottom left side of the CLU display. The HANGFIRE indicator flashes to indicate a missile hangfire when the gunner squeezes the fire trigger and the missile does not launch.
This is currently not implemented in ACE's Javelin implementation and is there purely for cosmetic reasons.