Logistics in FPArma

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This Page describes the various methods of Logistics that are available to the members of FPArma.

Some of these Logistics capabilities require the use of special scripts added in the mission itself.

Gear Cargo (Vanilla)

While the Vehicle Inventory is pretty much known by every player, it's often underused in many situations.

Cargo (ACE)

Cargo ViV (Vanilla)

Vehicle-in-Vehicle is a dynamic vehicle transport system implemented by Bohemia Interactive and with several Vehicles from Vanilla and CUP imlementing it.

The following vehicles are among the ones having a Vehicle-in-Vehicle implementation:

  • Chinook HC-4 (CUP)
  • Merlin HC3 (CUP)
  • C-130J (CUP)
  • CH-53G Super Stallion (CUP)
  • Mi-17 (CUP)
  • Mi-6A Hook (CUP)
  • CH-47F (CUP)
  • MV-22B Osprey (CUP)
  • V-44 X Blackfish (Vanilla)

Dragging & Carrying (ACE)

Slingloading (External Script)

Towing (External Script)

Rearming (ACE)

Repairing (ACE)

Refueling (ACE)